Job title: Program Manager/Writer
Worked at Holbrook Travel since: October 1993
Born: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Anna received a bachelor's degree in art from Southwestern University and two years of industrial design at Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro. She says her favorite place to go is New Silver Beach in Cape Cod, MA. A place she hasn't visited but would like to is Chile, because of its stunning landscapes ranging from desert lands to glaciers and fjords - all which appeal to her love of nature and the outdoors. Her most memorable experience was climbing a skinny metal ladder to the very top of temple 4 in Tikal, Guatemala, because she is afraid of heights. She was glad she stepped out of her comfort zone to go, however, because the views were spectacular. You might find her at work on her breaks spending time outside on Holbrook's back deck, spotting birds and other animals.