Share a Story
One of the best things about travel is its ability to leave a lasting impact on people's lives through authentic experiences. We recognize that the best "souvenirs" are often stories: the story of a destination that shifted your perspective on the world around you, the story of an up-close interaction with different cultures or untouched nature, or even the story behind an amazing photograph or video you'll cherish forever.
If you’ve traveled with us, we’d love to share your experiences with the Holbrook community to inform and inspire future travelers. We hope you’ll consider sharing any photos, videos, or other documentation of your trip and what it meant to you. If you're on social media, be sure to tag us @HolbrookTravel so we see your post. Or, email us at with any attachments or links to your materials.
Ways to share your story:
- Photos
- Videos
- Anecdotes and reflections
- Blog posts
- Social media posts
How to share your story:
Photos can be taken with a regular camera or cell phone.
Photos can be sent by email to, using a file-sharing site like Dropbox, WeTransfer, or Google Drive, or tag us in your social media posts (@holbrooktravel).
Please include your name, the location, when the photos were taken, and a brief description.
Submit your video for a chance to be featured by Holbrook Travel on social media, our blog, or in an upcoming newsletter!
Submit in the follow categories:
- Experiences in the field (e.g. kayaking, trying local food, hands-on learning – try to include people in these shots!)
- Wildlife (e.g. shots of plants and animals)
- Scenery (landscapes, cityscapes, excursion sites)
- Talking with a guide, local, or trip participant (please advise your subject that the video will be shared online and obtain video of them giving permission)
- Trip reflections with a participant (Tell us about your experience – why was the trip special? What did you learn?)
Your video might overlap categories, and that’s great too! Feel free to get creative, but don’t worry about being slick and professional – our main interest is capturing authentic experiences in the field.
Technical specs:
- Video clips should be no longer than 2 minutes in length.
- Smartphone footage is fine (preferably from a phone 2016 or later).
- If you are using your smartphone, please turn your phone horizontally to capture footage.
- Please try to get good audio and lighting – put the sun behind you, and if someone’s speaking, make sure to keep the camera close to them.
- Please pan slowly.
- Please use a stabilizing device/technique if you can – even if it’s just your elbows on a rail!
- We recommend that you not record while you’re walking on uneven surfaces, for your safety.
- Either edited video or raw footage is acceptable.
- Accepted file types: .mov, .wmv, .mp4, .avi
File transfer:
- If you prefer to use your own file sharing service, feel free to use that to send/share the files to (Dropbox, WeTransfer, Google Drive, etc)
- If you do not have a way to transfer the files, please email and we will send you an upload link.
- Please be sure to include your name in the name of your file, and additionally send the following info to
- Your name and the name of the file
- Your program title, destination, and dates
- A brief anecdote or description (200 words or fewer) to accompany the video
Fine Print:
- If you submit your video, we reserve the right to use it in any Holbrook promotional materials, raw or edited, on any of our media channels. You will be credited either in the video itself, or in the accompanying text.
- All submissions must be taken on a Holbrook or Road Scholar program, or at Selva Verde Lodge.
- Your submission must be your own work.
We are officially accepting submissions for Holbrook Travel’s 2026 calendar!
Each year our calendar features photos displaying some of the highlights our travelers had. (See the 2025 images here.) We invite you to share your best photographs, past and present, from your journeys with us.
We urge you to take this opportunity to share your experiences with the Holbrook Travel community and the amazing insights that have arisen from them. In particular, we are seeking images that tell a story of what happened in that moment, what you were thinking, the emotions you experienced, and what impact the journey had.
Thank you in advance for your contributions. We look forward to helping you plan your next adventure!
How do I submit a picture?
Please submit pictures to Please send large files via a file-sharing website such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or WeTransfer.
When are submissions due?
All entries must be received by October 6, 2025.
What are the specifications for photos?
Your submissions should be 2550 x 3300 pixels or greater to achieve the best quality when printed. Horizontal shots are strongly preferred for the calendar format. Photos will be printed at 11” x 8.5”.
Does the picture have to be from one of Holbrook Travel’s programs?
Yes, all photos must be from a trip you've taken with Holbrook Travel. Your photo should be from at least one of the following:
a. A trip with Holbrook Travel, OR
b. A visit to Selva Verde Lodge, OR
c. A Road Scholar program coordinated by Holbrook Travel
I traveled a long time ago. Can I submit old photos?
Yes, you can submit photos from previous years.
If my pictures have other group members that traveled with me, do I need to get their permission before sending you the picture?
We recommend that you request permission before submitting a photo with someone (if desired we can assist you with obtaining permission). We will assume that by virtue of your submission, you are allowing Holbrook Travel the right to utilize this picture for promotional purposes.
Will I receive credit for my picture?
Yes, we will credit you with your name, your school or organization, and where it was you traveled.
How will I know if you have chosen my picture?
If your photo is chosen, someone from our team will contact you later in October.
Can I submit more than one story and picture?
Yes, you can submit as many entries as you like.