Day 12: March 1, 2014
Today we were heading off to the eastern coast of Honduras. After a 6:30 a.m. breakfast, we took off at 7:20 a.m. for a 4 hour drive. Along the way, we stopped at this beautiful spot, the Rio Santiago Lodge and Hummingbird Gardens. There are over 220 feeders and the hummers were simply amazing!
After about an hour, we drove another 20 minutes and arrived at our final destination, the Lodge at Pico Bonito. This place is drop dead gorgeous!
After settling into individual bungalows, we met Alex for birding on the grounds and then dinner! The food is gourmet as the prices will tell, but no need to worry, all meals are included!
Birds of the Day: Great Kiskadee, Tropical Kingbird, Brown Jay, Plain Wren, Clay-colored Thrush, Grey Catbird, American Redstart, Hermit Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Painted Bunting, Indigo Bunting, Blue Grosbeak Great-tailed Blackbird, Bronzed Cowbird, Altamira Oriole, Sot-breasted Oriole, Steak-backed Oriole and Montezuma Oropendola to name a few.
Day 13: March 2, 2014
Birding at 6:15 this morning and then a wonderful breakfast! Pico Bonito National Park was calling and we all enjoy the lush forest conditions and the multitude of birds that came out for us!
We had great shots of an owl pair that only Alex saw initially. He is truly amazing. After an awesome lunch, we had time to relax a bit and some enjoyed the pool! Later that afternoon we headed back out for more birds in the Pico Bonito National Park.
Birds of the Day: Lovely Cotinga, Melodious Blackbird, Spot-breasted Oriole, Chestnut-headed Oropendula, Olive-backed Euphonia, White-vented Euphonia, Summer Tanager, Red-throated Ant Tanager, Red-crowned Ant Tanager, Yellow-winged Tanager, Black-headed Saltator, Hooded Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, American Redstart, Guatemalean Screech Owl and the Spot-breasted Wren.