Gustafson Photo Safari: Day 6

Gustafson Photo Safari: Day 6

Jul 11, 2013| by administrator

Day Six

We had a great morning in the park with pictures of monkeys, peacocks, painted stork, woolly-necked stork, wild boars and at the end, one big 14-month-old cub going from here to there giving us a mile of shooting. She gave me a snarl, ran across the road, walked through brush through open forest, and reached up to do territorial scratch markings on a tree. It was such a fun morning.

This afternoon was all about variety. The fragrant incense of the forest surrounded us as we got great photo chances starting with dueling spotted deer bucks, more displaying peacocks, a crested serpent eagle surrounded by jade green saal leaves, and baby macac monkeys. As we searched for tigers by watering holes we were rewarded by seeing wooly necked storks flying, the serpent eagle drinking, a huge wing stretch from a peacock and cutest of all a mongoose hunting through the reeds stopped in front of us for a drink. There wasn’t a single tiger that came out for us, but a great game drive! The other vehicle only saw four tigers.

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