Holbrook Travel Heads to Orlando for the NSTA Regional Conference

Holbrook Travel Heads to Orlando for the NSTA Regional Conference

Nov 5, 2014|NewsK12 and Youth| by administrator

Lisa Palmese-Graubard will represent Holbrook in Orlando, Fla. November 6-8 for the NSTA area conference on science education. You can visit Lisa at booth 1126 for information regarding opportunities for professional development and academic programs for summer 2015.

The conference will include the half-day Flight of the Monarch Butterflies symposium. During this symposium, participants will view the documentary “Flight of the Butterflies” and take part in classroom activities that focus on the monarch’s migration across North America as well as their lifestyle and habitats. If this symposium sparks interest for you to witness this spectacular event in person, Holbrook is offering a trip to Mexico to do just that! For more information, click here.

For more information about the symposiums and workshops offered at this event, click here or visit http://www.nsta.org/