Each year, we ask our travelers to submit their favorite photos from their journeys with us for a chance to be featured in our annual calendar. This year, we had many great submissions, and it was a challenge to narrow it down. We're excited to share the finished result! Thank you to everyone who submitted their photos and shared their stories with us. This year's cover is a stunning shot from Costa Rica. Check back on our blog to see each Photo of the Month, or click here to view the full calendar.
(Being music lovers here at Holbrook, we also had some fun creating a short playlist to accompany this year’s calendar. Visit holbrook.travel/ht2020cal and see if you agree with our choices to accompany each image.)
"Photography is about storytelling, so when Costa Rica's green sea turtles hatch and began their scramble to the ocean, the challenge becomes how best to capture that story in a single image. I feel like the defining moment is just as they enter the ocean for the first time. After years of trying to get the right angle, with limited success, I invented a "Turtle Cam." It's a clamp and rod system that holds a camera two inches off the sand, at eye level with the baby turtles. As they make their way across the sand, I am able to walk with them to the wave line and catch the very moment when they enter their new world. My creative compositions multiplied and my storytelling image rate improved dramatically. I also learned it's vital to pull up the camera just before it gets inundated by the waves..."
Todd Gustafson
Costa Rica | To the Ends of the Earth