The Sirenia Project

The Sirenia Project

Apr 11, 2012| by administrator

Our Director of Development Tom Carr got two members of the Holbrook Travel marketing team an invitation to to participate in the Sirenia Project. Communications & Media Coordinator Joanna Livingstone and intern Ashley Podoll joined Tom for the day in Crystal River, Fla., helping capture, monitor and tag West Indian manatees as a part of a research project with the United States Geological Society.

The Siriena Project video above was made by intern Ashley Podoll. The video is narrated by Bob Bonde and Mike Walsh, two of the leading Manatee Researchers for the Siriena Project. It provides a glimpse into the whole process from spotting the animals to releasing the manatee back into Crystal River.

The Center's Sirenia Project conducts long-term, detailed studies on the life history, population dynamics and ecological requirements of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus). Sirenia Project biologists work cooperatively with federal and state researchers and managers on research identified as essential for the recovery of the species.

If you want to see more photos from the project, visit our album on Facebook.