Ecuador | Birding and Photography in the Chocó-Andes with Award-Winning Photographer Krisztina Scheeff

Ecuador | Birding and Photography in the Chocó-Andes with Award-Winning Photographer Krisztina Scheeff

About this trip

Enjoy excellent photography opportunities on an unforgettable 7-day journey with KS Nature Photography. Accompanied by award-winning photographer Krisztina Scheeff, you'll observe and photograph the extraordinary abundance of bird life that inhabits the cloud forests of the Ecuadorian Andes; many of the avian species you'll encounter are endemic to the Chocó ecoregion, while others are more easily found here than anywhere else. You'll also add other subjects like colorful butterflies, amphibians, and flora to your portfolio, while meeting with community members and learning about area conservation projects. 


  • Seek out and photograph the birds of the Chocó ecoregion in a variety of protected areas, including Yanacocha Biological Reserve, Alambi Cloud Forest Reserve, Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve, and others.
  • Visit the famed Refugio Paz de las Aves, known as a haven for antpittas and Andean Cocks-of-the-rock and an excellent example of community conservation.
  • Capture images of dozens of hummingbird species; possibilites include the Sword-billed Hummingbird, Giant Hummingbird, and the endemic Black-breasted Puffleg.
  • Bird the Mashpi-Amagusa Reserve for target species like the Rose-faced Parrot, Orange-breasted Fruiteater, Chocó Vireo, Moss-backed Tanager, and Indigo Flowerpiercer.
  • Spend a full day birding and photographing along the trails in Antisana Ecological Reserve, whose varied ecological zones range from páramo to lowland rainforest.

Meet your leader

Krisztina Scheeff, KS Nature Photography

Based in San Diego, CA, Krisztina Scheeff is an award-winning and professional nature photographer. Recognized for her photographic work in National Audubon Society as well as a finalist in the prestigious Wildlife Photograph of the Year competition, Krisztina’s photos have been published in magazines and articles around the world, including National Geographic, Wild Planet Photo Magazine, California 101, San Diego Audubon Society, American Wild Magazine, Birders Digest, Marine Conservation Magazine – UK, North American Nature Photography Association, and more. They have also been featured in Art Shows and Galleries around the country. Krisztina operates a successful business leading Photography Workshops and Tours to Scotland (Puffins), Ireland, Galápagos Islands, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Hungary, and Bosque del Apache, NM. She also leads workshops for bird festivals around the country and presents at various events.

Krisztina spent years studying and photographing the Rushing Grebes and guides her clients at Lake Hodges in San Diego to experience this amazing behavior and capture their own photos.

To see more photos, check out KS Nature Photography at, on Facebook at or on Instagram @KSNaturePhotography.


Dec 2, 2026

Upon arrival in Quito, you'll be met outside the secured area of the airport and taken to the hotel. Most flights arrive in the evening. No meals are included on this day. Quito's elevation ranges from 9,223 to 9,883 feet. To minimize the chances of experiencing altitude sickness, try to get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, consume high-carbohydrate foods, avoid alcohol and fatty foods, and avoid strenuous exercise at high elevations. *Hotel check in time is 3pm.

Overnight at San Jose de Puembo


Dec 3, 2026

After group orientation, spend a full day birding and doing photography along the trails at the privately owned Antisana Ecological Reserve (11,500 feet), whose varied ecological zones range from páramo to lowland rainforest. More than 70 bird species can be found here, including the Andean Condor, Giant Hummingbird, Carunculated Caracara, Black-faced Ibis, Speckled Teal, Andean Duck, Silvery Grebe, Slate-colored Coot, Andean Gull, Andean Lapwing, and Aplomado Falcon. At 18,900 feet, the snow-capped Antisana Volcano is the fourth highest peak in Ecuador, adding to the breathtaking Andean scenery that can be enjoyed along the lower elevation trails.

Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner included
Overnight at San Jose de Puembo


Dec 4, 2026

This morning depart for Mindo, making several stops en route along the Paseo del Quinde ecoroute, known also as Nono-Mindo Road. Your first stop is at Yanacocha Biological Reserve. Clinging to the slopes of Pichincha Volcano at an altitude of approximately 10,000 feet, and comprising 2,371 acres of mostly elfin Polylepis forest, this protected area was established to safeguard the critically endangered and endemic Black-breasted Puffleg. Other high-altitude species include Andean Guan, Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, Golden-breasted and Sapphire-vented Pufflegs, Great Sapphirewing, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Rufous and Tawny Antpittas, Ocellated and Blackish Tapaculos, Black-chested and Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanagers, Golden-crowned Tanager, and many more. After a picnic lunch in the reserve, continue driving with quick stops to look for stunners such as Toucan Barbet, Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan, and Beautiful Jay. While driving down to the lower altitudes of the subtropical forest region, be on the lookout for Blue-winged Mountain Tanager and White-winged Brushfinch. Next, stop at Alambi Cloud Forest Reserve, where 250 species - including 32 hummingbirds - have been recorded. The reserve covers a large range of altitudes (4,750 to 7,210 feet) and spans two major basins: the Alambi Valley and the pristine Goaycape Valley. Regulars include Brown Violetear, Booted Racket-tail, Fawn-breasted and Green-crowned Brilliants, and Golden and Silver-throated Tanagers.

Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner included
Overnight at Sachatamia


Dec 5, 2026

Spend the morning at Mashpi-Amagusa Reserve, a 320-acre protected area in the Chocó foothills that functions as a critical link between lower subtropical forest and higher montane forest at neighboring Mashpi Lodge. The altitude here ranges from 2,450 to 5,600 feet. The birding is fantastic along this corridor, with many Chocó endemics that are difficult to find elsewhere, such as Rose-faced Parrot, Orange-breasted Fruiteater, Chocó Vireo, Moss-backed Tanager, Black Solitaire (seasonal), and Indigo Flowerpiercer; a few, like Long-wattled Umbrellabird, require a little luck. Feeders on-site offer great opportunities for photos of tanagers and hummingbirds. Return to the lodge in the afternoon for more bird photography. The lodge has an amazing garden area with plenty of feeders to attract the birds.

Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner included
Overnight at Sachatamia


Dec 6, 2026

Begin today with a visit to Refugio Paz de las Aves near Nanegalito (13 miles northeast of Mindo, at 4,590 feet). Angel Paz is the proprietor of this private reserve, and his story is an excellent example of community conservation. Angel was formerly a local logger who transformed his property into a haven for antpittas and Andean Cocks-of-the-rock over a decade ago. His early fame came quickly when he learned how to coax the rare and elusive Giant Antpitta into the open with earthworms. He now has six different species of antpittas staked out on his property: Giant, Yellow-breasted, Ochre-breasted, Chestnut-crowned, Moustached, and Scaled. Other incredible birds on the property include Lyre-tailed Nightjar, Rufous-bellied Nighthawk, Olivaceous Piha, Dark-backed Wood-Quail, Crested and Golden-headed Quetzals, and a fantastic mix of hummingbirds. Have a typical countryside meal at the reserve while enjoying the natural surroundings. Return to Sachatamia.

Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner included
Overnight at Sachatamia


Dec 7, 2026

Check out and visit Guaycapi Lodge with its impressive view of the Tandayapa Valley and its surroundings. It is a paradise for nature photographers, due to the many species of hummingbirds, tanagers, and more that can be seen up-close for excellent photography. Travel back to Puembo, stopping at the Middle of the World Monument en route. Continue on to the hotel in Puembo. This evening, reflect on the journey during an early evening farewell dinner at the hotel. Most international flights depart very late this evening or before dawn the next morning, so please be ready to check out of the hotel and transfer to the airport immediately after the farewell dinner. If your flight departs the next day, enjoy the evening and relax!

Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner included
Overnight at San Jose de Puembo


Dec 8, 2026

Arrive home to the United States, or if you have a day flight, travel to the airport.

Breakfast- included